->Since there is not much significance in my life (currently), I'm starting a mini-series of how-to's, accumulated from my experiences. They may be useful or the opposite- I'm just trying to entertain you guys.
______________________________HOW TO:
(During School or Work W/o Your Teacher or Boss Noticing)
The Proper Napping Position:
1. Place: Make sure you are sitting in a secluded area, preferably in a cubicle or corner. Keep some important-looking books or papers in your sight, so that it appears that you are reading. Face in a direction so that anyone walking by would not notice that your eyes are closed.
2. Posture: A slanted figure usually gives it away. Your arm should be 90 degrees to the desk, and your fingertips resting on your forehead. If you have bangs or longer hair, then make sure they cover your eyes. Your other arm should be resting on the table, and a pen/pencil ready in your fingers.
3. Timing: The best time to nap, is when the class is reading or taking a test, due to limited activity in the room. Be aware, though, the teacher may walk around,
If Caught...
1. Blame medication. Claim that your anti-allergy doses are making you drowsy. "Claritin just knocks me out!"
2. Blame your late-night homeworkings or work. "I'm tired; I put effort into that extra-credit projuect last night," or "I'm exhausted; I was preparing those papers until morning." Do not attempt this if your boss works later than you in office.
Happy Katnapping xD
But partially derived from "Worst Case Scenarios: Work". [;
Only partially!
Nothing direct.
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