There's an awesome online book exchange that's been thriving for a few years, and I decided to try it. Bookmooch is where you can send strangers your unwanted books by mail, and recieve books that you want from strangers who don't want it. This system is based on points, so if you send a book, you earn a point; and if you "mooch" a book, you lose one! You also gain .1 points for acknowledging that you recieved a book, added a book to your inventory...etc. It's actually pretty simple once you get the hang of the process. The only drawback is that people could stalk you (you have to provide your address to mooch from someone, duh). :P
I have mooched Isaac Stern's memoir from this person in Connecticut, so I am very appreciative of Bookmooch ATM, because if you buy the book from a bookstore, it'd be about $15, and if you do it online, it'd be at least $4 for a cheap used copy via Amazon due to shipping fees. The average shipping cost to send a book (Media Mail) is usually < $3 depending on distance and weight. I've sent a lot of my babby books to readers in LA, Tennessee, Seattle, Virginia, and all across the nation.
It's definitely eco-friendly and worth it, if you don't mind used books. (;
1 comment:
I await your anthrax poisoning through a bit of powder slipped in the package.
By the way, are you mooching the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn? Get it from the person with the username "Sk8erBabi3318", and request priority mail. Say you are a book fiend.
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