
Bug Bite Remedies

I do not know why, but my blood is especially attractive to mosquitos.
It tastes pretty gross to me, but maybe that's not the same for them.

As of now, I am squirming with 17 bites on my feet (most of them "inactive" now, thank God), which is mild compared to my record of 30/40+ at one time. I compiled a list of some remedies that work for me (taken from the intranet of course). Some may be more or less effective depending on you.

-Baking Soda+Water mixed into a thin paste (quite effective)
-A slice of fresh lemon applied directly to bite
-Lemon Juice + Salt + Mouthwash (not too effective)
-A towel soaked in hot water (as hot as it could be w/o burning yourself) and poking your big bites with it (quite effective)
-Mark an "X" with your fingernail right on the center of the bite. Releases some toxin apparantly
-Spit (should be last resort, really)

If you find yourself scratching incessantly, stick a Band Aid over the bite. Who wants an infection, srsly.


SpazJaz said...

Lemon juice actually hurts more than it heals.

Or maybe just because I don't like squeezing citric acid on my foot.

Kat. said...

Well I'd rather it hurt than itch. :P

Tanya said...

LOL I do the fingernail thing too + use rubbing alcohol/toothpaste/this chinese balm that works wonders

Miraculously though, I managed to make this summer mozzie bite free =)

warhen said...

i get the worst allergic reaction to those bites, swells as big as a dollar coin

SpazJaz said...

You, sir, are a master of imagery.

Kat. said...

Mine have swelled as large as a half dollar coin.