
Random Mobile Uploads from whenever

Basically a filler until I decide whether my next post will be a blogpost or vlogpost.

My sister and I had a great laugh over this one in a Canto supermarket.
..Why would you eat colored noodles named 'Medicine food'? 'Blue algae'??

Willy studying his vocab. notecards diligently for finals in the last few days of Schultz.

Carnegie Hall dressing room. Mum was in the process of putting makeup on me.. Horrible stuff.


99Ranch Supermarkettt

Devin's a creeeper. Lunch @ AHS

8th grade album.. Monkey Jason?

(pa ts issi g)
Idk. It was funny to me at the time.
Found in my kitchen.

Why not Father's Toe?
Discovered in a Chinese supermarket.

Seriously, a drink with the word "sweat" in its name?
Chinese market.

Win. @ a Little Tokyo bookstore; they sell the most amazing (&over-priced) stuff.


Andrew said...

FYI Pocari Sweat is actually Japanese. Pretty tasty too even though it doesn't sound like it. It tastes a bit like 7-up but a little bit more rich in the mouth and less fizzy.

SpazJaz said...

FYI Maplestory Drink is delicious, nutritious, and pretty awesome. Just look at the packaging. Want to market your drink better? Stick a triceratops monster from a popular Korean cartoon RPG videogame on the cap and you've got me sold.

Kat. said...

Uninformed Kat is uninformed. 3:

Tanya said...

my sister gave me that exact cheezburger book one birthday :)