
Flu Paranoia

I've honestly never contracted the flu before. (Nor have I ever gotten a nosebleed.) For whatever reason I am blessed with this miracle, I am glad, because that's somewhat of a relief if my immue system is just that darn good barricading against Mr. Frank Flu (totally made-up), considering the universal apprehension of the incoming FLU SEASON.

Nobody is really "overreacting" in California, which is quite an achievement when we are right on par with Mexico and folks on the other side of the planet in Egypt have executed thousands of piggies before a single H1N1 case have discovered there. Unfortunately, when school resumes for us minors, the risks of us spreading the love of the virus is not insignificantly low. (You should sit in my Alg 2 class sometime- it's like a well-conducted chorus of sniffles and sneezes!)

The antidote to contagious diseases are the usual: wash your hands (for >20 SECONDS, mind you), sneeze/hack into your elbow, avoid touching any part of your face that has an opening..etc. I have taken akin to toting around a bottle of hand sanitizer around with me, and lathering that good stuff profusely onto my paws compulsively (c wut i did ther :3). I am doing this because my sister just might have contracted some sort of sickness that MAY BE RELATED TO THE FLU, contributing to the fact that several kids in her uni have already been kidnapped by El H1N1. Plus, I just recovered from a sore throat that lasted less than 24 hours. BUT A SORE THROAT NONETHELESS.

So perhaps I'm overreacting now, which is quite rare if you know me. (I have a long criminal history with the institution of hygienic/disease phobias. Wait that didn't make any sense-) But maybe that should be justified, because 60% of Americans arenotworriedaboutthisandthisperfectlyhealthygirlinOhioorsomewherediedfromit. The consensus of doctors and other people in medical positions claim that H1N1 acts just like a regular flu, and unless you are pregnant, diabetic, have asthma, a babby, aged .5-24 years old, very elderly, or are a total n00b, you shouldn't be too distressed. Yeah, that severs a nice bulk of population, mm?

Okay, I'm going to get the flu shot ASAP.

ohh, also visit my other blog @ rosyshams.tumblr.com. No angst guarenteed; it'll just be photos and music. Yippee!


SpazJaz said...

Supposedly, both Eric and I already caught the swine flu. I only realized it was different from the regular flu when I googled the symptoms.


Kat. said...

/Slowly backs away
/Then breaks into a sprint for Canada

hehe jk.

SpazJaz said...

Here come the Mounties.

Andrew said...

Andrew Kwok (Level 13 Student)

Special Attributes

+1337 immunity to swine flu

SpazJaz said...

Yeah, you have immunity to swine flu, Andrew, but I took flu vaccination feat at level 14 and it worked just the same AND special attribute slot for other things, like the Memeology attribute. You should use your brain more when min/maxing your character.