
9-11 Truthers, and why they're total [kensored]

First, a few facts about conspiracy theorists:

1) The average conspiracy theorist argues with NASA, the government, Nobel-prize winners, JAXA, Mythbusters, every scientist since the beginning of time, people who can read, and pretty much any expert on any subject they've decided to dispute despite having less qualifications in the area than an equally average fry cook.
2) For which aspect of rational logic they'll take a steaming [kensored] on next, conspiracy theorists either secretly meet and vote (making them the same as the organizations they hate) or they wait to see which one Dan Brown writes about next, no one's really sure.
3) Conspiracy theorists will make so many jumps in logic based on unrelated facts it's like they're playing the world's longest game of hopscotch every time they open their mouths (see:
4) Conspiracy theorists are also [kensored] annoying and will alienate everyone they've ever met except on the internet (see above link, then read the comments section).
5) Like child porn and tentacle rape fetishes, conspiracy theories are horrible issues made much worse by the internet.
6) Conspiracy theorists view logical argument as cheating
7) Conspiracy theorists like to divide the world into "Everyone qualified/remotely related to the topic vs. Me". So like Rambo with [kensored] instead of bullets.
8) At the last count the world was secretly being run by the Illuminati, Knights Templar, Freemasons, Trilateral commission, New World Order, Skull & Bones society, Bilderberg group, Nine Unknown Men and the ever-popular Jews. Conspiracy theorists honestly believe that these invisible elites have run thousands of years of history but are incapable of killing someone who lives in a basement and shouts on street corners.
9) Conspiracy theorists display incredible attention to detail, an even more incredible ability to ignore details they don't like, in addition to obsessive focus and an irritating sense of self-righteousness. In other words, every time another person devotes his/her life to proving the moon landing was a hoax, we lose a potential powerful Pokemon Master.
On to the topic that inspired me to write this post, 9/11:
For a very long amount of time, people have been claiming 9/11 was a total hoax/a government inside job/completely documented by a 20 dollar bill folded in a certain way. For that, we can all thank a teenager named Dylan Avery and his fictional-screenplay-turned-Spinal-Tap documentary, Loose Change.

The film is a rapid-fire collection of video clips set to techno music, attempting to prove that:
No plane hit the Pentagon - it was a cruise missile; the hijacked planes didn't bring down the World Trade Center, the buildings were wired with explosives ahead of time; flight 93 didn't crash in Pennsylvania and in fact landed safely elsewhere, and the passengers were in on the conspiracy.

But is it [kensored]? You decide (the answer is yes).
Here's how it all began:

Once upon a time, Dylan Avery was a gigantic attention whore minus the attention. His life's ambition was to become a famous director, so he sat down and started writing
A FICTIONAL SCREENPLAY about 9/11, something he mentions in every interview he does (by the way, if you read page one of that article, he says "would love for someone to come to him and say he's full of [kensored]", something which the ENTIRE RATIONAL WORLD has been doing since he released his Spinal-Tap-esque "documentary", proving he follows Rule 9 above, and he also says "I have scientists on my side... and the government has none." I call major [kensored]).

So since he had no money whatsoever, he decided to cut up [kensored] of multimedia surrounding the subject until he raped enough of everything out of context until he got something that sounded scary enough. For example, he sifted through dozens of pictures showing hunks of airplane everywhere:

Until he got a picture with no wreckage anywhere and stuck it in his video:

Now obviously, hundreds of people were in the Pentagon that day, dozens of witnesses saw a plane crash, hundreds of people cleaned up airplane parts and charred bodies, air traffic controllers saw the plane fly in on radar, pairs of light poles more than 20 feet apart were knocked over when the massive wings of the airliner mowed them down like grass. But that's okay. He's just making a fictional movie, it's all in fun.So he does the whole video like that. He cuts sound bites in half, saving the part where a flight instructor says something like, "I met the hijacker and he was a bad pilot," and deleting the part where the same guy says, "but you don't exactly have to be [kensored] Chuck Yeager to crash a plane into a building." Without that second part, it sounds like the guy is saying the hijacker couldn't have done the flying. He has literally edited the words to make the guy say the opposite of what he said. But then again, it was supposed to be a student film, his resume for the world, a viral video that would get his name out there. I have to admit, it was a great idea.

Until one day:

Phillip Jayhan ambles into Avery's life, waving around a wad of cash. Jayhan,
who believes in a massive satanic cult that controls the world's politicians by sending them little boys to molest. Which could be true, but the point is, Jayhan paid Avery to market his fictional screenplay as a real documentary. Shortly afterward, Avery had a miraculous transformation that made him realize that holy [kensored], his fictional screenplay was real.

Now, you might scoff, thinking there's no rational reason for someone to knowingly market total [kensored] as fact, but then I ask you: Why do auditioners line up for American Idol (Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!)? Where do Japanese game shows get all their contestants?

Why, in 7th grade, did Kathleen and I create this blog?

Because they want attention, and lots of it.

Now, since everyone reading this blog is in 9th grade at AHS (Edit: I forgot about Tanya, my bad. Three people left, then), they've probably spent a load of time learning about the Holocaust, right? Night, The Book Thief, World War II, The Angel of Bergen-Belsen, the Pianist, etc.?

Well, that seems to be a
common theme amongst 9/11 truthers too. Dylan Avery and his [kensored] brigade aren't Holocaust deniers, no (in fact, here's them getting attacked by fellow 9/11 truthers for being Holocaust Promoters), but they'd certainly shift sides pretty quick if it meant getting more attention. After all, Dylan Avery, now 22-ish, is pretty much famous for marketing Loose Change, something he wrote as a fictional screenplay, as fact. If you don't believe me, pretty much every screen grab of a newspaper on Loose Change is from the American Free Press. Take one good look at it and tell me it's a legitimate newsletter that adheres to ethical journalism. It also has a legacy of anti-semitism. Like I mentioned earlier, ever-popular Jews.

And the credits of Loose Change feature research by Killtown:

Killtown, who should be noted, considers the Holocaust no big deal.
Those credits also include Christopher Bollyn, who should be noted that he was fired from American Free Press, the fucking nuts newsletter, for being
too [kensored].
Oh, and here's Avery
sympathizing with the passengers on the planes that got hijacked and blown the [kensored] up (not really).

Now there's my "based on hard research of the people who first claimed 9/11 was a hoax, 9/11 conspiracy theories are [kensored]" argument. Next, I'll post a "logical deduction of why 9/11 conspiracy theories are [kensored]" argument. And if I start now, the post should be released
sometime around the rapture.


Kat. said...

You're [kensored] crazy

SpazJaz said...

In a good or bad way? :D

SpazJaz said...

Kat's kensor kmissed komething kin ky karticle. Kave kun kinding kit.

bnmhj520 said...

I'm still in 8th grade. Oh well.

....... said...

Wow bro. The conspiracy theorist part was probably one of the biggest generalizations ever, and a bunch of it was [kensored].

Anyway, here's the fun part. Trust me, you'll get a kick out of it. It's really simple too, so i know you'll get it:

1.) Look up "9-11 was fake" or "9/11 was an inside job" or anything similar.

2.) Look up "9/11 was real" or something like that.

3.) Research both really well. You posted this, so its obvious you have a bunch of free time. its a good idea to know both sides of an argument, so you get to look up both.

4.) Wild one here. Formulate YOUR OWN [Kensored] opinion, and stop attacking mine. It's fun, cuz no matter what anyone ever says about it, your opinion won't change.

^(though i'm assuming you have a spine for that last part....?)

Have Fun!

Anonymous said...

So above thinks 9/11 never happened. Really.

SpazJaz said...

No, one tower was blown to bits as a result of a giant government conspiracy out of need for the 160 billion dollar gold vault, while the other never actually happened and was cleverly faked by Al-Qaeda in a joint effort with Sputh Korea. It survives to this day.

And I watched Loose Change on my free time. That works, right?

....... said...

i guess Loose Change counts. but that guy kinda seems like an idiot. I'd try multiple sources.

And for "anonymous":

I fully recognize 9/11 as a tragic event that scarred our nation forever. However, i refuse to believe that 19 hijackers who were high on cocaine and had never flown a plane before were able to take over 4 different planes and crash them with nothing but box-cutters, and were able to destroy a beautiful part of this nation.

Someone should read first. 9/11 is precisely what i'm trying to inform people about, and there's no way i would ever deny the fact that 2,998 innocent people died that day.

SpazJaz said...

My opinion is that 9/11 was, rather than the working of a brutal government agency, the doing of a heartless terrorist organization.

Am I the only one to have this opinion? No. Arw you the only one who has your opinion? I just wrote a long[kensored] post about the people who made yours.

We've both posted our opinions. I did the generalization thing as a habit spawned from needing to make funny posts, but if you clicked on the hyperlinks in my blog, you'll see that yes, I did spend a bit of free time Googling both sides. I'm not convinced that, say, the Killtown Holocaust thing could've been found by Googling "9-11 conspiracy dick cheney military coup full of shit". I think I've learned both sides of the argument as well as you have, except my opinion differs from yours.

We've both posted our opinions and read each other's posts too. I'm not getting the victim thing you're doing in #4.

SpazJaz said...

Anyways, I realize I was being an asshole when writing this post, since I was writing on people that kind of pissed me off. I apologize for that. I'll hold off on the satire in my next post on this.

....... said...

thanks bud.
sorry i attacked you over this.

/very passionate about 9-11 + INCREDIBLY patriotic = big mess.

Kat. said...

9-11 conspiracy dick cheney military coup full of [KENSORED!!]

....... said...

about the #4) thing, your post seemed pretty biased (like mine isn't, though ;p) against conspiracy theorists.

I mean, yes, i think that it clearly was an inside job, but i dont think the same way as some of the crazy [Kensored] out there.

And of course you've realized (simply from knowing me) i'm incredibly aggressive & dont back down. And to me, it didnt sem like you were stating an opinion as much as degrading conspiracy-theorists.

Point Being:
-#4) was me being angry. ignore it.
-we need a talk-show badly.

SpazJaz said...

That's what I thought. You get to be the sidekick.

And I was going to do a post about the hard facts of 9-11 until I stumbled on Loose Change and its rather shady (Jew hating!) associates. It was too awesome of a topic not to pass up on. Reading that vigilant citizen guy's comments section in my first hyperlink didn't help the rage much.

Seriously, like 50 comments and none of them mentioned how stupid he was being.

But I guess sane people don't stay on that site long.

....... said...

i'll be the sidekick if we spell it $1D3K1CK.

lets say we were to have a show where we committed an incredibly non-violent crime & were imprisoned. Would you want to be mommy or daddy? Also, what type of soap do you prefer?

SpazJaz said...

The daddy and Dove.

....... said...

then get over here and [kensored] mommy's [kensored] with that [kensored]

oh kat. you simply cant beat us ;p

*hoping comment isnt deleted*

SpazJaz said...

So what does this have to do with a talk show?

I hope to dear God that that was a sketch idea and not a reality TV pitch.

....... said...


you'll see. but i'm gonna need some chlorophorm, whips & chains, a pair of handcuffs, and six shirtless camera-men.


As props. for our show.

Kat. said...

What did I lose?

....... said...

the game.

Anonymous said...

Well, Austin, your comment above mine did not convey that you thought 9/11 did happen or/and that it was "an inside job."

And I'm wondering where in the !#!$@* world you got this [kensored] stuff, because you're the only website in the effing world, according to Google, that used it. What's wrong with spelling correctly, I wonder.

....... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
....... said...

bro, read the post, jesus. Honestly. Sit on your dumb [kensored] for one [kensored] minute, and actually read the post. or even, if you dont have the brainpower, just the comments. Kathleen used the [Kensored] thing to block Jason's use of profanity. Its also mentioned in the third comment. Again i say: READ. Smart people aren't the only ones who can do it, i'm sure you'd get the hang of it.

Simply because i didnt say that i thought it DID happen, that means i think it didnt happen? Feel free to talk to jason, he'll give you the URL of the post that kicks this one's ass (mine).

SpazJaz said...

Austin, calm the f[kensored]ck down. Anonymous, listen to Austin. 9/11 debate, go away already.

....... said...

love you Jason.