
Shoot the Banker . com

"It'll make you puke joy."

Shoot the Banker is a site in which you shoot paintballs at a guy in a banker suit.

It's supposed to be a parody of the recession and Madoff.
A robot/machine controlled by Intarwab users hurl pink paintballs at a group of guys who take shifts. Not only are there bankers, but a janitor as well, and some other dudes whom I am not able to identify. They also take calls [(303) 834 9749], and have conversations with random people all over the country. When they're not answering calls, they call banking companies or McDonald's, or talk to themselves. Of course, bankers don't work 24/7;
Mon- Fri: 8am-4pm. Sometimes they work on Saturdays or even overtime.

Anon and I tried a hand at the paintball shooting. I missed by like 5 inches, and Anon shot the guy twice in the arm. xD
The way this works is that you are put into a waiting line that lasts approximately 25 minutes, with about over 90 people in front of you. Then, you get 10 seconds to make 2 shots. The catch is that it's not easy to get into the waiting line (100 users at a time), and the robot is slower than it is on the Internet, so you'll have to predict where the guy is going in like 1 second (they move around a lot.) You also can't aim for their face.

We tried calling, which is equally difficult, because there's no waiting line but you'll get directed right to voicemail if there is already someone else on the line. My call actually got accepted, and I told them about The Game. Lol, hey were confused at first. But it was epic. Anon called too, and made them Lose. Hah.

The depressing part about STB is that they're taking the site down, due to money problems. Hey, they're spending hours in a garage in constant pain and talking nonstop for free! And ordering paintballs by like, the 20,000's. However, if you donate or subscribe to them on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/tedrejects), there's a chance that they might stay for a little longer.

Sometimes, capitalism and being in debt makes you so angry,
you would want to shoot bankers.
Gopher it: shootthebanker.com


SpazJaz said...

Me: I'm about to go!
Eric: -Speaks over their phone-Hey, you just lost the game.
Them: What game?
Eric: The game that everybody loses and you lose if you think about it.
Them: Well that's not a fun game if you enver win!
Me: -shoots the janitor twice in the stomach with paintballs-
Them: Agggggggh.
Eric: So, how's your plant doing?

Kat. said...

I've never seen the banker!
Only the janitor or Brig and Taran are on when I am.

Kat. said...

And raghhh, flipping lagging gun.

SpazJaz said...

He's on from 3-4:30 I think. And haha, I saw the gun lag for you. And there are sometimes two janitors I think.