
A New Kind of Stage

In Vegas (yeah I went there again),
I found a nu stage for violining-
The Streets.

Lol so I was practicing in the hotel room (Bally's), and toook a break.
My dad then had this brilliant idea for me to play on the streets, and collect money in my violin case, like those musicians you see in Old Town Pas.
At first I was like
Why not?

And so I did it.
I parked my violin and I right in front of this mall on the Strip-
where there were people crossing an intersection close to us.
and I started playing.

I found out that if I played music that people associated with,
I would get more donations.
E.g., when I played my Mendelssohn, donations
were scarce;
however with a few rounds of 'Silent Night',
more people dropped $ in the case.

In 30 minutes, I collected $8.08. (Which I am going to donate to charity [I can't bear to do something like this for my own profit])
That's double the minimum wage!
I could never go hungry! :D


rosalind.bump said...

that's so freaking cool :D

SpazJaz said...

Why aren't we playing on the streets right now?

Oh yeah, cause I suck.


Back to gaming!

Beat Gears of War 2.


SpazJaz said...

The storyline is so sad. Now all I can think about is gothic tragedy with weird monsters coming out of the ground and CHAINSAW BAYONETS.

Lololol. I would never play in the streets. Too embarassing.

Anonymous said...

aha your so brave :D