
Satire has returned.

Time to poke fun at some old news I find hilarious.

Obama scolded Wall Street, which was a mistake. Wall Street is full of a lot of things, but shame isn't one of them. Take Merril Lynch for example.

While his company was getting Merril Lynch'd, he spent a fortune on many, many neccessities, like a toilet on legs. Unrefined people just don't understand the value of a toilet that walks to you, hmmm?

Well, he apologized. I commend him, because poor people love apologies. That's why you say "sorry" when you're ignoring a beggar on a street. (lolk)

Well, a Wall Street executive sold his house to his wife for 100$ and moved in with her. This is brilliant, because after that, the smartest thing he could do is sell his wife to his boat, his boat to his jet, and his jet to his dog.

And for something kath and I have been laughing about:

Since 1910, the Boy Scouts of America taught kids many important lessons, including loving their Earth. But then it was discovered that Boy Scout heads have been making millions off of high-impact logging. That's right, they hug trees so tight it turns into plywood furniture. But at least they get some nifty badges!

-The Hypocrisy Badge.
-The Causing an Apocalyptic Hellscape Badge.

The latter will cause them to become resourceful and learn to start fires not with the apparent friction of two sticks, but the apparent friction of what they say, and what they do.

Boy Scouts of America, I salute you. In your face, Boy Scouts of somewhere else! (lol, no offense intended there)

Well, the end is near. Jesus, I'll see you in the Arby's I'm assuming we'll both be working in this economy. What's that, you want a lot on your plate? "Cook, give me a meal Obama Style!"


Kat. said...

"They're teaching kids to become politicians before they're even of age!"

Kat. said...

Also, I lol'd at this post-

SpazJaz said...

There be no speling erors heer!

It is sats of ire! Or maybe Sat of Tires.