
We are a censored blog in China!

However, to my dissapointment, so is every other blog anywhere, so we're not speshul.

But I've managed to use that test  method I set up months ago and finally put it to good use! Indirect blogging ftw.

I really don't like it in mainland China. It's dirty and the people are rude or just plain mean. I'll write a full recount later. When I say dirty, I'm not talking about a bunch of dirt and mud. I'm talking about having to stare at the ground so I don't step on disgustingly littered food, human urine, human excrement, human mucus, or some combination of the four. And I'm not in a rural area either, I'm in a CITY, which is being industrialized quite a bit.

Hong Kong, on the other hand, was wonderful. Also, I get to go back for like two more days :D. 

In the meantime, enjoy not having to put up with jerks in China pushing me out of a line and looking at me like I'm the asshole.


bnmhj520 said...

I AGREE!!!!!(I saw a guy spit in a mall......) I was like WTF???????

Kat. said...

Haha and I never thought indirect blogging would have any use. ^_^

....... said...


Warhen said...

dude austin wazzzzap

Tanya said...

Have fun with the squatty toilets :)