

SpazJaz said...

If you're wondering, the link in that picture near the top leads to a video of Glenn Beck.

SpazJaz said...

You'd think that was only one video, but there are plenty more out there. Never mind that at the beginnings of this country, America was so weak that they couldn't even stop a small riot in their capital, never mind that the framers of the Constitution originally made it so that non-white non-property owning people weren't citizens, poor old Glenn Beck misses those times when women couldn't vote and black people were really black almost-people.

....... said...

I'm trying to find you the video of The Daily Show "going back" to Glenn's "better time".

Point being: To everyone, not just Glenn, the America we grew up in is always going to seem the best, and we'll feel like its progressively getting worse.

Because its the America we grew up in. Because we were children. And we didnt have to worry about problems. However, as we get older, like Glenn, we get more & more problems, ones we cant ignore, and that makes it seem like America is becoming this corrupt & disgusting country thats hard to be proud of.


SpazJaz said...

Except Glenn Beck wasn't actually alive when the Civil War happened, yet he called everything beforehand the right way to go. He wasn't even alive when Progressivism started but he still spends half his shows and an entire book bashing it.

....... said...

yeah, there's another clip where Jon Stewart completely blows Glenn's ideas apart by doing the same thing Glenn does on the white board, but backwards.

Part 1:

Part 2:

SpazJaz said...

Oh, and Glenn Beck is 46. Not really the age to start going "Back in my day..." and crying about the golden years.

....... said...

yeah, but he's mythologized his childhood so much, that instead of realizing that America was only a better place because he was a child, he thinks that its progressively gotten worse, which is why he goes apeshit with his ridiculous conservative extremism.

Try having this conversation with any other sophomores. It bothers me how good we are at "pretending" to be nerds.

SpazJaz said...

Dude, he grew up DURING the hippie movement! As in, people wearing tie-dyed shirts living in their vans and following music tours all the while stoned on all sorts of psychedelic s**t "these beads would go great with my soul" hippie movement. Basically what you get when you walk around in downtown Berkeley hippie movement.

Also, am I the only one who gets bugged whenever he talks about Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia as one and the same even though their politics were exact opposites?

Also, we learned how to be politically minded by watching the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Not the best way to learn to be a nerd.

....... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
....... said...

I'm laughing at the thought of Glenn Beck actually being a hippie.

hmmmmmm. the fruits of my efforts:


Hope that works ^

SpazJaz said...

You've seen my response. And I have no intention of posting the entirety of my journey-notes on the Jazznkat where Kat will have grounds to KILL me, so yeah.

SpazJaz said...

Then again, the world needs to see my sketches of Detective Dog, so maybe some time in the future.