
I am exhausted

Hi all
I planned to write this moderately lengthy post about me driving, but I am a busy person so basically my dad gave me a 30-minute lesson on signalling left turns a few weeks ago. I don't plan to get my license until I'm 18ish.

Anyways, the past 2-3 weeks has been pretty dreadful towards my health; I've been practicing until 12, 1am to make up for lost time during my disability (tendonitis) period whilst still maintaining an A in bio (not as easy as it sounds!). I will depart for my first music camp tomorrow, and I want to make a terrific impression on the teachers there (doubtful). Speaking of which, I need to gogo practice nowww.

Oh, if you want, follow me on Twitter! (https://twitter.com/falseyellow) I will make you jealous of how much I'm enjoying the beautiful deciduous forest biome of the East Coast. (My Twitter acc. is now private btw; I don't want everyone on the webs to know exactly where I am..)

Hope you guys are having a more restful summer than I am!


SpazJaz said...

It can only go up from here.

My only problem is that when I have nothing to do I get bored, and when I'm bored I spiral into depression.

Too mean, psyche.

Andrew said...

Good job on learning to drive, I won't be able to get my license till sometime in the middle of junior year. Also, get your license as early as possible. That way, we can nab rides- I mean, so that you can go places.

....... said...

Cool beans, i've got all my driver's ED stuff, gonna get my permit soon. Downside is consistently having to study a 130 page long book on the rules of the road.