
Reasons We Should All Shut Up About the Mosque at Ground Zero

Okay, so since we have about four readers, we all know that Austin recently posted about the mosque at Ground Zero. So, in the hour I have before I leave to music camp for the next five days, I will tell you why the debate is retarded and everyone debating it is retarded, especially future worst president ever Sarah Palin

That picture to the left is a map of Ground Zero and the surrounding areas. Note that purple is Ground Zero, and the red square is the proposed mosque. You know how a city block is pretty damn big, right? Well the distance between Ground Zero and the mosque is a grand total of two city blocks. This place isn't anywhere NEAR Ground Zero, it's not built on the former site of a terrorist attack that ended thousands of lives and affected billions more, it's built on the former site of a Burlington Coat Factory. That's like if some guy decided to build a Jamba Juice downtown in Jerusalem, and for some reason people automatically assumed he would be opening up shop inside the Church of the Sepulcher and building his store out of pieces of the Dome of the Rock, all while taking a giant piss into the Holy Grail. Makes no sense whatsoever.

What, you're saying just because something vaguely Islam-related happened in the general area of New York, and Muslims aren't allowed in because their religion was perverted by radicals into something violent and terrible? Well guess what, the Knights Templar did that to my religion for 300 years during the Crusades, and you don't see people protesting churches everywhere in Europe and the Middle East.

It's not even a mosque, for Christ's sake. It's a community center with a small worship space inside it. You don't call music camp (Camp Maranatha) a religious pilgrimage just because it has a bunch of crosses everywhere (actually, its normal function is a camp for Christian retreats, but they also rent it out to people like us). The "mosque"'s other uses? Among other things, a basketball court. It's called Park 51 for a reason, you know. But since people like Palin and politcal tumor Newt Gingrich automatically associate the word "mosque" with "mosquito bite", "masque, like DECEPTION!", and "dirty sandback niggerjewmuslims", that's what we're stuck with, a debate that by all rights is a political abortion.

And let me end this on a high note: You can't legally stop people from obeying the law. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Tenth Amendment.

Let's take a look at some gems such as this:

Oh okay, that's... strange logic. Just thinking about it makes me want to go a bit insane, but since you're participating in this debate, you're retarded enough for me to let it slide...


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