
Free Sick of the Mew.

1) Nine Inch Nails is starting their tour this summer with Jane's Addiction and the Street Sweepers, and emailed me some free samples. I'm not a fan of any of those bands, but everyone loves free music, amirite: http://www.ninja2009.com/
"Not So Pretty Now" is prolly the only song worth keeping. /headbob

2) Pity I didn't discover this two years ago, but there is a wikipedia of sheet music! That is, all classical music that is within the public domain. Public domain, as in the music's copyright persists for the composer for 50 years after their death. You'll find mostly classical music that has been composed from around 1959 and before, though a lot of French works are missing (Drat, no Clair de Lune for me! /sob/). The greatest thing about the sheet music is that most of them are TERRIFIC editions, namely German publishers, so you won't have to worry about crappy editing or revising.
If you think about it, with http://imslp.org/wiki/Main_Page , all we're paying for from the music store is just paper and binding!


SpazJaz said...

So all we have to do is go back in time 50 years, hold Debussy at shotgun point till he composes all of his music, kill him, and we're golden?

I'll get to work on the tiem masheen.

SpazJaz said...

Hah, a tiem masheen? Why don't you build something useful, like a not-dying masheen!

Kat. said...

No, I think the French had different copyright policies; therefore there's no complete Debussy or Ravel.

Sacre bleu!

No wait that's Italian

SpazJaz said...

Mon Dieu!

Kat. said...

Ne le dites pas

SpazJaz said...


Ceci nest pas une outrage?

Kat. said...

Vous ne tirerez pas de parti injustifié du nom du Seigneur votre Dieu, car le Seigneur n'acquittera personne qui abuse de son nom.

Kat. said...

ROFL the english-french translations are always screwed up.

SpazJaz said...


Por qoi dois jes pas?

Kat. said...

That's not french. v:

SpazJaz said...

it's my mangled version.

Maybe this works.

Pour-quois dois jes pas?

SpazJaz said...

Pourqoi dois je pas dit?

lan mao said...

A wiki of sheet music!?!?
Well, yeah, there's a wiki for almost every subject under the sky. And in the case of space, above it.
I never saw that website though; it's TERRIFIC, at least at a glance.
I've used other websites to procure sheet music (AHEM Vivaldi's Four Seasons [Vivaldi is my favorite composer of violin music ever]) but this place looks much nicer. Congrats on a revolutionary discovery!

SpazJaz said...

Speaking of classical music, have any of you heard Scheherazade (by Rimsky-Korsakov I think)?


I remember going to some concert when I was like 8 years old (when you were yoooouung) that my bro dragged me to that had a symphony playing both of 'em :O

Freaky, I still remember the Story of the Kalendar Prince (movement 2) exactly.


SpazJaz said...

By both, I mean all four, of course.


SpazJaz said...

Let me dig up the sheet music from imslp...

Here it is: http://imslp.org/wiki/Scheherazade%2C_Op.35_%28Rimsky-Korsakov%2C_Nikolai%29

SpazJaz said...
