
I am /breathing/

It's been a long time since I actually "blogged".
Ho hum.
Why not now.

As with the last two years, my life has been and still is revolving over music. (Of course it's revolving around Jesus, but in the sense of my worldly life, that is.)

I've been finishing up the first movement of Mendelssohn's concerto and starting Presto from Bach's Sonata No. 1. My current short-term goal is to at least get a place in the VOCE competition I'm in, though I'm against with copious good violinists my age. In Feb., I tied with the only other kid in my age group at the branch auditions, because I was more "precise", but the other dude was more of a "natural". Oh, that darn musicality aspect. I do hope I find it (or at least grasp it) before the statewide competition, whish is looming ahead in 3 weeksAAHHHHH-

Chamber music- It's fascinating how it's like an orchestra with various instruments, but each one is a soloist. I attended a Masterclass for senior chamber groups a few weeks ago (with Anon <: ), which was a first for me. A masterclass is generally a performance class in which a soloist/musical group plays for an epic teacher, and the teacher teaches them how to win more. The one I went to was by John Perry, who was not as interesting as his vibrant bio. on the program sheet.

Since I get this question asked alot, my pianoing is still inching along. Actually, it's millimetering along. I'm on John Thompson's Piano Course Book TWO now! WOOOTWOOOOT.


...In my non-musical life, I am anxious how high school would look like. Wait, but that's still music-related since I have to plan out my high school schedule according to my violining needs. E.g., I am hopefully going to cut out 6th (or better yet 5th) period and come home early before the school day's over. Why? Because I need more time to practice, duhh.
The conflict is more at what classes I'm going to cut, rather than how I'm going to do it (a nice chat w/ the counselor should suffice). P.E. can be definite, or maybe math or science. I love math and science, but unfortunately the value of those are null in music. And how in the world am I going to graduate high school? Will I even be able to stay in orchestra? Is it even worth it participating in their orchestra? What period is orch. anyways. Would I have to take year-long courses over the summer? Am I going to be able to have a life duing high school? How to shot web?!

Anyways, my new obsessions are Debussy and Pink Floyd.
Debussy, for his splashes of Impressionism, and Pink Floyd for- well, I've been obssessed with them for a while.
But the common factor with both of them, (lol rock and Romantic), is that they really don't have a structural music form. Debussy is know for his harmonies, rather than melodies, abeit his Impressionistic ideas. Pink Floyd is similar; you listen to them not for the song, but the sounds. And oh, what wonderful sounds.


Anonymous said...

you should get some AC/DC into that pink floyd diet

SpazJaz said...

breathing is still honest now?

debussy. i find seven of hearts more interesting than clair de lune, personally.

SpazJaz said...

you see, to shot web, you form a upside-down love sign.

then push forward.

of course, it won't work. what made you think it would work, silly!

and it really depends which orchestra you're IN. you know about the three orchestras, right?


SpazJaz said...

asdfasdf masterclass?

you're either lucky or insane.

(i really should read the entire post before posting)

SpazJaz said...

and my brother tells me there are some students who actually take a whole crapload of summer school classes so there are no more requirements for them around junior year.

'course, that would be excessively hard and you would have to know exactly what you're doing. and that you're shooting for julliard.

SpazJaz said...

and I believe if you need to practice at being a natural.



just loosen up a little?

Kat. said...

-I don't really like AC/DC.

-And I meant 'breathing' in another context. (coughcough)

-Debussy isn't just Clair de Lune.

-Of course I was referring to Orch. 3. But would it matter?

-Being a natural is derived from your own maturity, mindset, and imagination, with a touch of creativity.
It's difficult, really, unless you're born with it.

SpazJaz said...

i realized the context, i was making another wordplay.

i know that, i was just commenting on it.

because clair de lune doesn't really appeal to me.

Kat. said...

You don't know what context it was in.

lan mao said...

Actually, being a natural is also influenced partly by genetics, which explains me, I guess.

Kat. said...

Do you know what "natural" means.

SpazJaz said...

Wait, so it didn't have anything to do with that song with the violinist who couldn't stop hopping around?


Kat. said...

It does.

lan mao said...

Yes, I know what natural means. Being a natural actually isn't influenced at all by effort and work; it is something one is born with. Practice is improving, but it is not natural. It is artificially improving. Therefore, it cannot be natural. It is not possible to be a "natural" unless one is, like I said, born with it.
So it isn't partially influenced but wholly influenced by genetics.

Anonymous said...

so since jimi hendrix was a natural at guitar, he wouldnt have needed to practice at all to be a guitar god?

lan mao said...

Don't misinterpret the issue. He practiced, making himself better, but did he practice to BECOME a natural? No, I didn't think so.

Kat. said...


Bill does not know what a natural is.

I will not care to explain it anymore at this point, but it is not wholly derived from "genes".

Musicality can be developed!!

SpazJaz said...

Sorry, deleted comment just because I could.

Natural has more than one definition.

For example, the water is all natural.

And watch this: "I think it will effect our future situation."

lan mao said...

Then look at your grammar again. Natural, noun is not the same as natural, adjective. And musicality is not the same as being a natural, or playing naturally for that matter. Sigh*. That's all people do; they screw up in delivering their message, and accuse others for not interpreting it correctly. Of course, admitting one is wrong helps. And of course, I could be wrong - but I explained my reasons for my train of thought. It all boils down to how the information is presented.

SpazJaz said...

Sorry, what?

I thought the point of the thing was to tell you


lan mao said...

Mmhmm. There's the rage again. Did I ever say natural had one definition? Did I imply it? If I did, then sorry?

SpazJaz said...

Um, what do you think you're doing?

You are implying it. Around, here:

Actually, being a natural is also influenced partly by genetics, which explains me, I guess.

Here: Yes, I know what natural means. Being a natural actually isn't influenced at all by effort and work; it is something one is born with. Practice is improving, but it is not natural. It is artificially improving. Therefore, it cannot be natural. It is not possible to be a "natural" unless one is, like I said, born with it.
So it isn't partially influenced but wholly influenced by genetics.

And here:Then look at your grammar again. Natural, noun is not the same as natural, adjective. And musicality is not the same as being a natural, or playing naturally for that matter. Sigh*. That's all people do; they screw up in delivering their message, and accuse others for not interpreting it correctly. Of course, admitting one is wrong helps. And of course, I could be wrong - but I explained my reasons for my train of thought. It all boils down to how the information is presented.

You're not a victim, Bill.

lan mao said...

I said sorry? What more do you ******* want? For me to bow before you? To serve you for all eternity? Give me a break.

And try to explain next time, instead of subtly insulting others.

SpazJaz said...

Bill, the whole thing started with this.



SpazJaz said...

tee hee.

removed my vote from kathleen.

lan mao said...

I'm going to ignore everything previously posted now, as I have already said - I concede the ******* issue.
Lulz, I voted for you, although if this vote turns out to be like the last one, you're still screwed. I'm not voting 6+ times now.

SpazJaz said...

Yes, but I'm winning, and no one's cheating.

Otherwise, we would have 30 votes.

You'll figure it out.

lan mao said...

Exactly! It's NOT turning out like how the poll did. And I doubt that by the end of this, someone won't have voted twice or more.

Eric said...

hey i have an idea guys

no more e-drama

kk cool


lan mao said...

Lulz. Well said.

SpazJaz said...

but i m drama llama!

SpazJaz said...

nd bill is silly goose

btw, the last one turned out like that because kathleen voted for herself 12+ times.