
Politicians. Tsk tsk.

Do you watch the news?
I watch the news.

You'll find my eyes glued to CNN every morning and evening.

The response I usually get from friends when I say that I avidly watch Anderson Cooper 360,

is usually a snicker or giggle, and oftentimes "Are you serious?"

Yes I am.

One of humanity's worst wrongdoings, I believe,

is to stay ignorant of their enviroment's status and happenings.

But what's upsetting me lately, is

how childish politics is, nowadays.

Or how childish McCain is, at least.

I mean, come on, John.

You could barely recite a sentence without the word

"Barack, or "Obama, or "Democrat, or "Carrot cakes".

(I made the last one up.)

My point being, is that

our next president shouldn't be one whom keeps attacking

his opponents with false claims.


Look at how may ads he's running out there today centering on Obama!!

Cripes, he's too offensive !

Ex. Obama made a centrist move.


That's one of the most freaking

common political moves, darnnit ! (I'm trying to type this with as little cursing as possible

Sure, McCain

has his few good points,

but the thing that characterizes

him, is aggressiveness.

We can't have that as a President, can we ?

Think of poor Iraq.

Think I'm wrong?

Check out Factcheck.org and see for yourself.




Spaztastic #5

another silly

What's Up

You will never want to say this ever again.


Spaztastic #5


I'ma call this a silly.



A List of Mormon Songs:(No Offense Mormons)

A List of Mormon Songs:(No Offense Mormons)

1)I Want My Own Planet Now.
2)Orgy? More Like PolyGamorgy!
3)I'm Too Good to be a Human
4)I'm Going to be God When I Grow Up
5)I Have 50 Kids
6)Me and my Bike
7)That's Satan trying to Communicate with You


No Need for Limewire !

Limewire is kinda like cancer,
when not handled carefully.Or at least, in my case.
I had this really slow
and crappy Windows 2000 comp,
and downloaded Limewire on it
a few years ago.
Of course, it died.
Well technically, it didn't die,
but it sure sounded like a plane taking off when
it starts up, and BSOD
pops up every other day.
I never bothered to reformat it
since I concluded that would
take a decade.
Eventually, I got a nice HP comp. w/ Vista Ultimate,
and avoided Limewire altogether.
Where did I steal my songs then, you say ?
Well I freeloaded off of that Anonymous kid,
and used this:
It uses Google to find you songs in
"underground" websites in which
the owner most likely uses it to share,
or simply to store.
Here is the science behind it:
It doesn't work for every song,
so it's not the greatest alternative,
but hey,
at least you're not downloading potential malware!

Mr. Man in da haus !

as some of you may have noticed,
CableComics have migrated to my blog
because 1I3k 1ts t0t411y 1337.
Hopefully Mr. Man here will be more consistent
with his comics, so be sure to check back often.
You can see his old webby at

Daily Comic

Cable Comics moved 0__0


Summer Movies pt. 3

Why so serious?
I swear, that's the one phrase that keeps popping up in my head. Dark Knight was an amazing film.
You've all heard this already (the slight few people who actually READ THIS BLOG), but this movie is epic. win.
It's full of study on the human personality, and the action isn't even the best part of the movie.
I'm trying to write this review with as little spoilers as possible, so here it is.
Everyone else in the movie should just keep acting in Batman films as far as I'm concerned, but Joker (Heath Ledger) was the absolutely BEST actor in the cast.
Heath Ledger also got the best character in the cast. For example, EVERYTHING Joker does means chaos, anarchy, the world turning on itself. Case in point: he sets a firetruck on fire. And just wow. As a magic trick, he makes a pencil disappear... By ramming it into a gangster's forehead.
The idealism of this film is AMAZING. There's basically three heroes of Gotham: Commisioner Gordon, District Attorney Harvey Dent, and Batman. I really can't say much else without spoiling the entire movie.
Look, just watch the freaking movie.
And Joker is still my favorite character in Dark Knight. In all the other Batman films and comics, he's profiled as a nutcase, but in The Dark Knight, he's really, really, a powerful force in this film. And be prepared for a bunch of tension while watching the film. Lots of it. LOTS of it.
-That spaz.


I wub u guys

Also, take my picture off. It deems my "Anonymous" callsign obsolete.

And I wub you guys 'cause I haven't contributed anything (yet) to this blog and you let me stay on here. <3




Kat's Summer.

Yeah, I haven't been posting much lately.
I've been fairly busy with violin, art, geometry and piano.
I've been violining my @$$ off since I was an 8th grader.

This is a basic schedule of a normal day:
1. wake up
2. eat
3. violin
5. eat
6. art
7. violin
8. eat
9. badminton
10. violin
11. piano
...and of course with the occasional myspace or aim.
(I notice you don't put sleep in there. Sleeping is for nubz anyways. -Spaz)

However, I did go somewhere so far:
~Santa Monica Beach, Palm Springs (for an afternoon), Laguna Beach for this Art Festival, and Vegas.

Upcoming plans:
-Six Flags
-Laguna Beach (again)
-POSSIBLY a cruise :/

Oh and I got an electric violin too,
so I'll be planning to mess around with that.

I got a LINE 6 Spider 3 15W amp, and Delay Modeler pedalboard (w/ looping). What's really sweet, is that I can play and instrument and a half with this thing. B/c if you get the metal effect, it sounds like a guitar.

Perhaps I can even improvise and post some Youtube vids. The guy at Guitar Center told me that I'd get a lot of hits.

My amp is sexy.

So yah,
I have a fairly busy summer. :3

funny pictures
You can see my new glasses.



Yah I went movie-hopping again.


Disney/Pixar's huge bets on this film worked.

On me, at least.

Once again, Disney characterizes toys with human traits, and concludes with a happy ending.

The whole gist of this movies is great for its communication, mostly. The first 20 minutes or so has no dialogue whatsoever, but

it relays its actions and motives just as well.

I liked it: ****



Just okay.

It's a Will Smith flick.

And that's all you're ever gonna expect.

At first, it was mostly about internal conflicts within Hancock.

Then it turned into a standard, lame external force that popped up

due to Hancock stuffing this guy up this other guy's ***.

Yeah, it's pretty lame.

On the bright side, though,

it's really funny.

As funny as Zohan.

And that's saying a lot.



Happeh iNdEpEnDANCE DAy lulz

This spot is reserved for a Spaztastic comic.

Hmm, Kath hasn't made a post on it yet?

Has she forgotten about this site?