

Yah I went movie-hopping again.


Disney/Pixar's huge bets on this film worked.

On me, at least.

Once again, Disney characterizes toys with human traits, and concludes with a happy ending.

The whole gist of this movies is great for its communication, mostly. The first 20 minutes or so has no dialogue whatsoever, but

it relays its actions and motives just as well.

I liked it: ****



Just okay.

It's a Will Smith flick.

And that's all you're ever gonna expect.

At first, it was mostly about internal conflicts within Hancock.

Then it turned into a standard, lame external force that popped up

due to Hancock stuffing this guy up this other guy's ***.

Yeah, it's pretty lame.

On the bright side, though,

it's really funny.

As funny as Zohan.

And that's saying a lot.


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