
Issa Eegl i

eagle eye Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh boy, this was better than Body of Lies!
That Even Stevens guy just powned LEONARDO DICAPRIO !!

..Well, no.
Dicaprios always gunna be epic, but Shia Lebouf did a pretty nice job here.
He really grew up from his Disney gig.
the plot and flow here, however,
did pwn Body of Lies. (Speilberg took part of this. Go figure. )
The ending, of course, was positive,
which is why I like Dicaprio's stuff better.
Unresolved conclusions make you wonder.

It's the middle of the terrorist war again.
Jerry Shaw (Lebouf), the main character, takes a few hard blows. He isn't able to pay rent, his bro died, and he's framed as a terrorist. Rachel Holloman is framed as a terrorist too, and these two strangers are bonded together by this weird thing monitering their every move and manipulating them. This thing has all access to anything electronic, as well as even vibrations from a cup of coffee to define communication. So the plot twists and twirls with Shaw and Holloman, as we see wth the thing is doing. Sorry for being so vague, but it's hard not to spoil the story.

All in all, this was worth it. I saw this in IMAX, so that enhanced everything. :3


Eric said...

And den the truck went on the ramp and it wuz liek "HAI COMPUTAR PLANE THING FLYING IN TUNNEL" and the computar plane was liek "wow dude wtf thats so cheap" and then it was BOOOM

Kat. said...

LOLl yeah.

Why didnt computer go after Shaw after that though?
I thought it had resources everyware.