
High School Musical 3

No, I did not actually watch it.

But, I'm going to write a review about it and it's franchise anyways. And you will agree! AGREE!

So I watched the trailer for it, it seemed like a Trailer of Tears. (Does anyone who reads my blog posts get half the references I make?) It was a bunch of people getting together and singing in the worst possible places, like in a football field in the middle of a football GAME.

So I guess I have to fill you in on what I know about the series. So apparently, these twenty-somethings play 17-somethings and it's supposed to capture the drama of high school life. I'm told that the story of it is there are two random people who are polar opposites who end up singing and then getting together and then all these other people get involved and then this drama queen tries to tear the couple apart so she can get together with the boy, even though the boy and his girlfriend are such great matches for each other, while the boy is alienating all his friends by hanging out with a visiting college basketball team and the drama queen's brother becomes a good guy, and it's so freaking awesome or so I'm told.

Now here's my qualms. I DON'T THINK SO. If Disney wants to portray the life of a high-schooler who doesn't fit in at all, they should film it from the inside of a locker. The victim wouldn't be singing, they would be screaming. If anyone were caught anywhere NEAR the theater department of a school, the football team wouldn't join him for a peppy dance number, they'd string him up by his homemade Romeo tights and chuck stale tatertots at him until he wet his pants.


Now the good part about this is that the acting is great for a movie with such a facepalming premise.

But this is hypothetical, by the way.

So go ahead and watch this movie if you want. I believe they provide a .22 caliber shotgun in case you can't take it anymore and just want to go freaking nuts. Problem is, everyone else will be doing the same thing.


Kat. said...

I beg to differ !

1. You should NOT judge a movie by its trailer. It's like reading the summary of a buk and deeming it good/bad.

2. THIS IS DISNEY. After 5 years of experience, nothing made by Disney is realistic. (Look at "Hannah Montana"!)

3. HSM is simply vulgar.
JazznKatnCab is not.

The only reason I'm not deleting this, is because I loathe HSM more than you do.

Eric said...

Whoa, slow down your horses. We don't need a blog post about how the series are corny and due to a mass amount bandwagon jumping. Disney is made to appeal to younger audiences, so don't bother ranting about "OMG THIS MOVIE IS FOR KIDDYS!111!!11". If it's made by a company that doesn't appeal to you and your age group, then don't watch it. It's made to create a good theme so younger kids can build off it, whether you think it ridiculous or not. Also, nothing is vulgar about HSM. 'Cept for the incident where that girl screwed herself over on the internet... but other than that, nothing.


SpazJaz said...

[i]I beg to differ.[/i]

Massive amounts of people OUR AGE fawning over HSM?

I say nothing aobut how it is corny and made for kiddies.

I'm just talking about how I don't like it.

I agree there's nothing vulgar about it.

And don't say anything, but I'm pretty sure your post is bandwagon jumping too. :D

And what's with DIsney actresses screwing themselves over on the internet?

That person from high school musical, and then that Hannah Montana one.

SpazJaz said...

Oh shat, I forgot to mention that if of our younger generation grew up and went to high school believing in High School Musical, cue said football team.

Eric said...

You don't like it. Neither does the other 50% of our school. We get the point.


Kat. said...

"[i]I beg to differ.[/i]"


&& I was exagerrating when I said that HSM was vulgar. I meant-vulgar by the means of what Disney is feeding to those poor 7 yr olds.

Kat. said...

"You can use some HTML tags, such as < b >, < i >, < a >"


Eric said...


SpazJaz said...



And most forums use brackets and not that greater-than less-than thing.

So confuzzlement.

And Eric, I'm entitled to my own individual opinion, just as you are.

I'm done.

Kat. said...

I resurrected! :D

Eric said...

Well your opinion sucks go back to your closet where you belong

Kat. said...


Lawl jkeedingg {:

SpazJaz said...



Don't worry, Yehric. Prop 8 will be denied. :O

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry but this is just !$#@$ arguing
what do you gain from winning this debate anyways?